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Resident Education Equipment

Equipment Placement Request


Applications are not currently being accepted for the Equipment Placement program.



Please note the following general guidelines for equipment placement:

  • Equipment is for nonclinical, nonhuman use only in North America
  • Requesting organization must be tax exempt or government affiliated
  • Organization should be an accredited ophthalmology program (ACGME or CanERA)
  • Individual physicians and/or private practice groups are not eligible
  • An academic organization should not have received the same type of equipment within the past 24 months
  • Requests are limited to one unit per model
  • Approval of equipment placement will be communicated only when an actual piece of equipment is ready for delivery
  • Availability of equipment is limited, and placement will be prioritized based on assessment of educational need
  • Commercial associates do not make determinations of educational need or placement of equipment




The submission must include the following information:

  • Organization’s name, address, and phone number that coordinates with the tax identification number
  • Name of program director at requesting organization, with phone number and email address for follow-up


Next steps


  • Request is reviewed by the IME Grant Office
  • Notification will be provided within 5 business days determining whether the request will be accepted for consideration
  • Status of requests will be provided to applicants in January, April, July, and October
  • Accepted requests will remain active unless notified otherwise by requesting party


Recent Scientific Publications





The Rationale for Applying a Visual Field Rate of Progression Analysis Using a Hierarchical, Censored, Bayesian Model to the 5-Yeah HORIZON Data




The HYDRUS Microstent - Mechanisms of Action and Clinical Efficacy






A More Effective Approach to Internal Limiting Membrane Peeling